Flood prevention, biodiversity conservation and coastal protection represent just three of the many benefits of restoring and preserving mangrove forests.
Mangroves play a critical role in providing a home for thousands of species across the world, including hundreds of threatened species. They also help enhance fisheries, benefitting the estimated 210 million people who live within 10km of them.
Despite containing Africa’s 4th most extensive mangrove system, Madagascar saw 59,000 hectares disappear between 1995-2018. The forests in this region have suffered significant losses due to conversion to agriculture and aquaculture and logging.
The BNC solution
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) will be supporting mangrove planting, experience sharing and the training of the project leaders. This partnership builds upon an ongoing one with UNIMA which first began in 2007.
This project aims to create, protect, restore and manage at least 2,088 ha of mangrove forest across three sites on the north-western coast of Madagascar. Having already completed a pilot phase, the project is now looking to accelerate and upscale activities with an aim to start selling carbon credits.
How BCAF supports this initiative
With the help of BCAF, project proponents will undertake an extensive feasibility assessment and prepare the documentation and planning required for carbon credit certification.
Beyond the protection and restoration of mangroves and the development of a new income stream from carbon credits, this project will also help increase fish stocks, protect freshwater and increase habitat for biodiversity, including threatened species (as classified by the IUCN Red List). The mangroves will also provide a basis for crab farming, offering further income opportunities for local communities.
Impacts created
The mangroves will absorb the equivalent of at least 530,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide over 30 years. It will also indirectly contribute to biodiversity habitats being increased, natural mangrove forest food chains being strengthened, and soil and water conditions being improved.
Mangrove restoration will contribute to protecting villages from coastal erosion, increasing freshwater availability, and minimizing damages from cyclones. Direct jobs will be created for surrounding communities for restoration activities, nurseries and monitoring of the effort.
Emission Reductions Payment Agreements (ERPAs) will be used for the sale of carbon credits, with a portion of future credits sold in the beginning and a maximum amount sold at a premium. This coupled with other business opportunities, such as crab farming, makes it sustainable.
More information
Want to know more about why BCAF is supporting these projects? See more here:
Our Investing for Ocean Impact Podcasts speak on all subjects around Blue Carbon: investing in it, financing it, running projects on it, and how local communities can be involved and benefit: