Grants Approval Committees

All project proposals submitted in response to a BCAF Call for Proposals will initially be reviewed and have due diligence completed by IUCN and two external experts. Following this, project proposals will be forwarded to a Grant Approval Committee, who will then select the winning projects.

Grants Approval Committee for the Readiness Support II Call for Proposals

Launched in May 2023 and closed for submissions in July 2023

Mat Vanderklift

Senior research scientist at CSIRO and Director of the IORA Blue Carbon Hub

Catherine Lovelock

Professor and ARC Laureate Fellow, School of Biological Sciences
The University of Queensland

Dan Friess

Deputy Director of the Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions
National University of Singapore

Torsten Thiele

Global Ocean Trust

Chenae Neilson

A/g Director Blue Carbon and International Partnerships, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. Government of Australia

Grants Approval Committee for the Implementation Call for Proposals

Launched in July 2022 and closed for submissions in September 2022

Angelique Pouponneau

Policy Adviser to the Chair, Alliance of Small Islands States

Catherine Lovelock

Professor and ARC Laureate Fellow, School of Biological Sciences The University of Queensland

Dan Friess

Deputy Director of the Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions National University of Singapore

Torsten Thiele


Steve Clark

A/g Director Blue Carbon and International Partnerships, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. Government of Australia

Grants Approval Committee for the Readiness Call for Proposals

Launched in March 2022 and closed for submissions in May 2022

Angelique Pouponneau

Policy Adviser to the Chair, Alliance of Small Islands States

Catherine Lovelock

Professor and ARC Laureate Fellow, School of Biological Sciences The University of Queensland

Dan Friess

Deputy Director of the Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions National University of Singapore

Torsten Thiele

Founder, Global Ocean Trust