Blue Natural Capital Financing Facility
The Blue Natural Capital Financing Facility (BNCFF) supports the development of sound, investable Blue Natural Capital (BNC) projects with clear ecosystem service benefits, based on multiple income streams and appropriate risk-return profiles.
How are we making an impact?
The ocean and the world’s coastlines offer many solutions to the climate and biodiversity challenges we face today. They can also help us achieve many of the targets set forth by the international community, but currently there is not enough money going into coastal and marine conservation and restoration to realise this potential. And while governments and philanthropists need to urgently ramp up funding into Nature-based Solutions, investments from the private sector are also crucially needed.
The BNCFF is helping to build the business case for investing in blue Nature-based Solutions by developing the pipeline of bankable BNC projects, and connecting people on the ground with investors in boardrooms.
We do this in the following ways:
Over the years, the BNCFF has build a reputation for selecting robust BNC projects. With the recent uptake of Nature-based Solution endeavours throughout the globe, the experience and expertise of the BNCFF in advancing financially viable coastal climate resilience projects will help drive investment towards a more sustainable future for both people and planet.
Launched in 2018, the BNCFF is supported by the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and is managed by IUCN. The BNCFF has also received contributions from other donors.

Why Blue Natural Capital?
Blue Natural Capital ecosystems provide invaluable resources and livelihoods to local communities including tradable products, an abundance of seafood, and tourism revenue. They improve water quality and act as a buffer to storm surges. They are efficient at removing carbon from the atmosphere and they are vital refuges for biodiversity and a key component of a healthy ocean.
The nature case
The nature case
Blue Natural Capital is the natural capital found in coastal and marine environments. It is the backbone for functioning ecosystems and biodiversity. It also brings significant support to climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts.
The people case
The people case
BNC is crucial to the resilient development of coastal communities and cities alike. Sustainable jobs are needed to create alternatives as well as new opportunities. Only then will we achieve longevity, and impact for planet and people.
The business case
The business case
BNC is the driver of a sustainable global ocean economy. Private finance is needed to rise to the global climate and biodiversity challenge. We need to ensure for high standards of environmental, social and economic sustainability.