Forest Carbon is working on a plan to conserve mangrove forests in Indonesia. With the support of the BNCFF, the company will carry out a full feasibility assessment of a coastal Mangrove ecosystem in West Kalimantan spanning more than 15,000 hectares. BNCFF support at this stage directly supports efforts to raise investment capital for a long term project that will implement conservation measures on the ground and generate carbon credits.

The targeted mangrove area is currently under threat of clearing and timber harvesting. The development of a blue carbon project that leverages international voluntary carbon markets will allow for the full protection of the project area for 30 years and strengthen the local economy through job creation. BNCFF support provides catalytic capital that can lead to the launch of long-term efforts to protect the unique endemic species of Western Kalimantan and their increasingly threatened habitat. If Forest Carbon’s assessment can demonstrate a technically and financially viable project, the surrounding landscape also presents a compelling investment case, with opportunities to expand the protected area by launching additional blue carbon projects.