This first of its kind approach in South America aims to create 50 hectares of mangrove habitats in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador through the reuse of dredged materials.
Dredging is used to clear away sediment deposits that have accumulated in lakes, rivers, channels, and harbours around the world.

A sustainable solution for people and planet

Jan De Nul Group, in partnership with Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Haedes, Mantis Consulting and South Pole are conducting a feasibility study for a potential demonstration project that aims to create 50 hectares of mangrove habitats in the Gulf of Guayaquil in Ecuador through the circular reuse of dredging materials. The purpose of the proof of concept is to integrate nature-based solutions in climate mitigation and adaptation strategies in coastal environments, by contributing to mangrove reforestation efforts while addressing local socioeconomic and biodiversity challenges.At this early stage, the feasibility study will include a comprehensive financial assessment for the long-term viability of mangrove afforestation through circular use of dredging materials. One aim of the potential pilot is to investigate applicability of blue carbon credits and climate finance transactions for climate adaptation as revenue streams to further support the scale up and long-term development of this approach.

How BNCFF supports

With the support of BNCFF, the project will conduct an extensive feasibility assessment to determine the appropriate site for the potential implementation of the demonstration project, as well as the ecological conditions needed for reusing dredging sediment material. The goal is to develop and restore mangrove habitats and to investigate whether the undertaking can meet carbon certification requirements; this is a key first step towards attracting further investment in the project and eventually trading carbon credits in the voluntary market.


Location: Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador

BNC focus: Green-gray infrastructure solution

Duration of funds: 12 months (2023)

Project developer: Jan de Nul

Impacts created



By reclaiming lands using dredging materials for mangrove afforestation, the project aims to create a natural carbon sink, which also protects coastlines from extreme weather events. New mangrove forests create habitats for local biodiversity, and at the same increasing the natural resilience of coastal ecosystems.                                   



Mangroves improve the resilience of coastlines to erosion and provide a natural barrier preventing marine surges from destroying human infrastructures. These coastal ecosystems can also provide various ecosystem services, for example natural water filtration, provide a habitat in support of commercially viable fishing activities.



By re-using dredging sediment material, companies active in this sector can support the development and restoration of mangrove habitats, while generating profit from blue carbon credits. This project will help set the standards and show good business practices in the use of dredging sediments to restore coastal environments sustainably and cost effectively.

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