The Manglares de Tumbes National Sanctuary (SNLMT) stands as Peru’s most extensive mangrove forest area. Situated along the Peru-Ecuador border, this sanctuary covers a total of 29.72 square kilometers. It is a vital habitat for a diverse array of wildlife, including 148 bird species, 105 fish species, along with numerous molluscs, crustaceans, and mammals. Many of these species are unique to the sanctuary and are considered rare or endangered. Peru’s Mangrove Sanctuary, critical for biodiversity and coastal protection, faces challenges in sustainable management and funding. This project aims to address these issues by implementing a novel nature-based solutions business model, focusing on the sanctuary’s long-term ecological and economic viability.

A sustainable Nature-based Solution for people and planet

The project’s multifaceted approach includes selling carbon credits in the voluntary market, implementing seafood extraction fees, and developing eco-tourism. Consorcio Manglares del Noroeste del Perú is building on their currently Blue Carbon Accelerator Fund (BCAF) supported business model to innovatively manage the Mangroves Sanctuary by strengthening their business plan, improving shrimp production processes, pursue vertical integration in the export market, and enhance their tourism strategy. These revenue streams aim to secure the majority of the sanctuary’s management costs, while also providing sustainable income for local fishers and boosting tourism. The project’s adherence to IUCN Green List standards underscores its commitment to effective and sustainable sanctuary management.

How BNCFF supports

BNCFF provides crucial support to this project, offering both funding and technical expertise to develop the sanctuary’s business model, particularly in market research, business planning, and valuation. BNCFF’s involvement enhances the project’s potential to attract further investment and ensures its alignment with high environmental and social sustainability standards.


Location: Manglares de Tumbes, Peru

BNC focus: Marine Protected Areas

Duration of funds: 12 months (July 2023 – July 2024)

Project developer: Consorcio Manglares del Noroeste del Perú

Impacts created



Improved management of the Mangroves Sanctuary through innovative financial models, enhancing ecosystem health and carbon sequestration.



Empowering local communities with sustainable livelihoods, particularly fishers, through seafood exports and increased tourism.



The local economy of the San Andrés Island is driven by tourism and fishery. Developing new revenue streams through carbon credit sales and eco-tourism, promoting a sustainable economy aligned with environmental conservation.

More information

Read about Consorcio Manglares del Noroeste del Perú work supported by the Blue Carbon Accelerator Fund (BCAF) here.