BNCFF Blue Prints Series
Through the Blue Natural Capital Financing Facility (BNCFF) we have developed eight Blue Prints providing examples on how to integrate Blue Natural Capital (BNC) restoration and conservation into sustainable business models. The aim of the Blue Prints is to inspire and foster opportunities for scaling-up and replicating BNC projects globally.
MPAs under collaborative management contracts
Details how collaborative management – partnerships that create a more “bankable” structure around MPAs – can help create a viable business and investment model.
Sustainable shrimp farming and mangrove restoration
Explores how sustainable shrimp farming, with the help of a private sector partner, can increase harvest and prices, while becoming more stable and resilient.
Mangrove conservation as a carbon asset
Explores ways to convert peat and mangrove forests from selective logging to conserved habitat using a blue carbon revenue model.
Waste and energy infrastructure linked to mangrove restoration
Details how an integrated waste to bioenergy supply project can help solve waste problems, generate energy and reduce deforestation and foster tourism.
Sustainable seaweed company
Explores how sustainable seaweed farming – implemented as a Nature-based Solution – can be complimentary to marine conservation efforts and provide revenue for local communities.
Climate resilient seaweed cultivation
Explores how to deliver improved seaweed farming that has conservation benefits through the conservation of marine habitats and through the de facto enforcement of a local MPA.
Waste management and mangrove protection
Details how ecosystems can be restored by removing waste for recycling and controlled discharge through local waste-picker cooperatives and plastic credits.
Nature based, tourism-funded MPA management
Details how a mix of statutory entrance fees, innovative eco-tourism services and blue carbon credits can help manage and protect an MPA.