BNCFF Impact Reports Series

Since its launch in 2018, the Blue Natural Capital Financing Facility (BNCFF) has supported a wide variety of marine and coastal conservation projects, with a high climate impact, on their path to becoming sustainable, climate resilient Blue Natural Capital (BNC) businesses that are appealing to private investors.

This shift from traditional, grant-funded project to income generating business is crucial. It removes the barriers and time-limitations of traditional funding, and allows the business to become self-sustainable, providing more stability and the opportunity to make a bigger impact for ocean conservation.

Through our series of Impact Reports, we are showcasing how BNCFF support has helped projects on this journey.

IR 1

Coast4C, Philippines

Coast4C are working to improve conditions of the Danajon Bank reef system and the people dependent on it. With BNCFF support, they grew sustainable seaweed activities and set up the necessary legal entities required to secure further private sector investment.

IR 2

TASA, Althelia & Blue Finance, Belize

Amongst other things, BNCFF provided funding to cover crucial capital expenditures allowing the project to develop high-end tourism products, for which they can charge fees and thereby generate funds to protect and conserve the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve.

IR 3

Blueyou, Indonesia

BNCFF supported Blueyou’s work to triple income for local farmers through introducing a more sustainable shrimp farming model, which not only attracts a higher price in the global market, but also helps conserve and protect mangroves locally.

IR 4

Blue Finance, Philippines

In Oriental Mindoro, Blue Finance are working to create financial stability for a network of nine Marine Protected Areas, by creating solid income streams and thereby an appealing investment opportunity. BNCFF support helped remove some barriers to investment.

IR 6

Forest Carbon, Indonesia

Forest Carbon are looking to restore key mangrove forests and create job opportunities through the implementation of a Blue Carbon credit scheme. BNCFF helped fund a feasibility study, which is an important first step towards attracting investment for the project.

IR 7

Wildlife Conservation Society & KMFRI, Kenya

This project is working to restore seagrasses through the sale of Blue Carbon credits. With BNCFF support, new sites for seagrass, as well as the carbon stocks and sequestration potential were assessed. A key first step towards carbon certification.

IR 8

Terra Global, United Republic of Tanzania (Zanzibar)

BNCFF helped revitalise this project, which aims to protect 68 Community Forest Management Areas and improve local livelihoods through the sale of Blue Carbon credits. Investment Readiness Requirements were built with the aim to secure investors.

IR 9

EcoBenin, Benin

With the help of BNCFF, EcoBenin have completed multiple key assessments required to obtain carbon certification. Through the sale of Blue Carbon credits, this project aims to protect mangrove ecosystems and help improve the standard of living for the local population.

IR 10

EcoAct, Cameroon

EcoAct are looking to restore and conserve mangroves through selling Blue Carbon credits. BNCFF funded work towards a Project Design Document, which is crucial for obtaining carbon certification and therefore attracting future private sector investment.

IR 11

BlueMX Mangrove, Mexico

This project is working to increase and retain carbon sequestration in mangroves. With the support of BNCFF, BlueMX Mangrove were able to collect samples and analyse the carbon stock, which is key to proving the viability of the project and progressing towards project implementation.

IR 12

Bioenergia Foundation & Bioénergie Haiti, Haiti

BNCFF supported the implementation of the first phase of a mangrove rehabilitation programme, which, amongst other things, aims to clean polluted coastlines and establish mangrove nurseries in an area with the lowest rate of municipal waste collection in the world.