Safeguarding biodiversity and livelihoods in Madagascar

This project aims to create, protect, restore and manage at least 2,088 ha of mangrove forest across three sites on the north-western coast of Madagascar. Having already completed a pilot phase, the project is now looking to accelerate and upscale activities with an aim to start selling carbon credits.

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Restoring mangroves for disaster protection in the Philippines

Despite providing disaster risk reduction, coastal protection against floods, storms, tsunamis and sea level rise, mangrove forests are under threat. Partners Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and Coast4C (C4C) are working to protect and restore large areas of mangrove forest using their proven assisted natural regeneration approach.

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Blue carbon in Zanzibar

Terra Global is structuring a project to conserve > 16,000ha of mangrove forests on the Zanzibar islands of Pemba and Unguja.

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Blue Carbon in Indonesia

Forest Carbon is working on a plan to conserve mangrove forests in Indonesia. With the support of the BNCFF, the company will carry out a full feasibility assessment of a coastal Mangrove ecosystem in West Kalimantan spanning more than 15,000 hectares.

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Selva Shrimp Kalimantan

Since 1961 the annual global growth in fish consumption has been twice as high as population growth, demonstrating that the fisheries and aquaculture sector is crucial in meeting FAO’s goal of a world without hunger and malnutrition says Josè Graziano da Silva, former FAO Director-General. Yet, aquaculture and in particular shrimp aquaculture have had a hugely detrimental effect on coastal ecosystems. In Indonesia, this form of food production has damaged or degraded around 70 % of its mangrove forests according to the Global Mangrove Alliance.

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